Windows Enterprise Subscription Not Active – 2022-12-13

This post is about a current issue that’s causing Windows 11 (and possibly 10) to remove it’s Enterprise licence and revert to Pro (aka Professional) edition.

This is a big problem if you rely on the Enterprise-only features such as DirectAccess VPN, as those features stop working when Windows stops being Enterprise edition.

How to diagnose if you have this problem

Check in Settings – System – Activation. If you are affected by this problem the Subscription state will show as Not active.

Further to this, look in the Microsoft-Windows-Client-Licensing/Admin event log for event 106 and see if you have two events logged as follows:

Licence successfully uninstalled for package (user NULL), licence Id 846a0dd9-ac5f-adf2-ee9e-94da46c955ce, file Id 80ce496d-52c0-2a23-7f0b-1889e2f6b3af

Licence successfully uninstalled for package Microsoft.Windows.Pro.Addon_8wekyb3d8bbwe (user NULL), licence Id f737ad2b-1fb4-87b1-8f1e-d945ba186995, file Id e926d0ad-bc61-27a1-27e8-704d2edcda9a

That Windows.Pro.Addon is your Enterprise Edition upgrade. Or was ;-)

Now go and check in your AzureAD Sign-in logs. Go to User sign-ins (non-interactive) and filer for the application: Universal Store Native Client. You’ll see nothing but failures, starting today, with the following details:

error code65002
Failure reasonConsent between first party application ‘{applicationId}’ and first party resource ‘{resourceId}’ must be configured via preauthorization – applications owned and operated by Microsoft must get approval from the API owner before requesting tokens for that API.
Additional DetailsA developer in your tenant may be attempting to reuse an App ID owned by Microsoft. This error prevents them from impersonating a Microsoft application to call other APIs. They must move to another app ID they register in
ApplicationUniversal Store Native Client
Application ID268761a2-03f3-40df-8a8b-c3db24145b6b
ResourceWindows Store for Business
Resource ID45a330b1-b1ec-4cc1-9161-9f03992aa49f
failure details


I logged a support request with Microsoft and they were aware of the problem and were working on it. It is issue MO484759. This issue is now resolved. After being on for about six minutes I had an event ID 117 logged in the Microsoft-Windows-Client-Licensing/Admin event log showing that the license was back:

Lease successfully installed.
License Id: f737ad2b-1fb4-87b1-8f1e-d945ba186995
Associate Id: f737ad2b-1fb4-87b1-8f1e-d945ba186995
Package (if available): Microsoft.Windows.Pro.Addon_8wekyb3d8bbwe
UserId (if available): NULL

Followed by event ID 116 in the same log:

Application licence successfully installed.
User Id (if available): NULL
License Id: 846a0dd9-ac5f-adf2-ee9e-94da46c955ce
Associate Id: 846a0dd9-ac5f-adf2-ee9e-94da46c955ce

And sure enough, checking in the Activation status via Settings shows that I’m back up to Enterprise again. It does still show that my Subscription is Not active but I’m guessing that’ll be sorted after a reboot…

Potential workaround

Go to the Microsoft Licensing Business Centre and get a MAK (Multiple Activation Key) for Windows 11 Enterprise. You can then push this to the machines via some kind of automation method at your disposal. Install the MAK using the following command:

C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe C:\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs /ipk <Win11 Enterprise MAK>

How long this code will remain in the machine for is anyone’s guess. Windows seems to revert to a generic activation code ending 3V66T after “a while”.

If you’ve had this problem for more than just today, do also check my other article about MFA getting in the way of Enterprise licensing.

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